Monday, April 18, 2011

How to train your pet chicken

How to train your pet chicken

If you want to train your pet chicken it well have to be only small.

So first you'll need: A place for your pet chicken to run back and forth.

Next you'll need a small bag of grain or (long strands of noodles)

You'll also need a small chicken bowl to hold your treats...

Make sure that there is nothing to distract your chicken,

Put your chicken at the as far as possible (but make sure that your chicken can see you)

Put the bowl down (the bowl must be known to the chicken that it holds food)

call your chicken by it's name and rattle the bowl till she comes do this until your chicken hears and knows that you want her to be the Best chicken in the world! ...

Learn more at:

Thursday, April 14, 2011

How to make Rabbit mix

How to make Rabbit mix

This is the super bunny ingredient:

400g chopped alfalfa/Lucerne hay or cubes, or any other grass or clover hay

150g All-purpose wheat flour (white), or instant masa meal

100g any other fibrous ingredient, such as bran from wheat

Oat hulls

Rolled oats

Plain or trace mineral salt


Optional - 1:1 mineral, vegetable oil, molasses.

P.S. Instructions coming soon!

Things bad for Rabbits to eat

Things bad for Rabbits to eat





Sugary Cakes



Candy canes

Rabbit toys

Rabbit toy

Playful Rabbits love to play with toys, Toys are also great to help entertain rabbits when they are bored, or alone...

these toys are really good for playful Bunnies.

What Bunnies like to eat

What Bunnies like to eat

Bunnies like to eat lots of things such as,

lettuce, quinces, cucumber, carrots, tomatoes, cherries,

and all kinds of other things. somethings they like but are bad for them, but bunnies sometimes just can't help it!....

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Pet Rabbits

Pet bunnies can also be great friends with chickens when they get to know each other,
this bunny in the picture is a Dwarf rabbit. Dwarf rabbits look very cute and cuddly and are super easy to keep. To learn more about how to look after bunnies go to My House Rabbit.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Getting a clucky friend

Getting a clucky friend

When you first get a chicken the smallest chicken will get pecked ..... and pecked ...... and pecked!

What I do is give lots of tasty treats to her until they become the bestest friends ever.....

P.S the more you leave them alone the quicker they will be friends....
learn more for your clucky friends on post 3.